Aldo Faisal chairs Hightech Agenda Workshop on Generative AI and the EU AI ACT

June 25, 2023, noon

Aldo Faisal chairs Hightech Agenda Workshop on Generative AI and the EU AI ACT

The Chair of Digital Health Prof. Aldo Faisal hosted the conference "Generative KI und der EU AI Act" from 25 June to 28 June 2023. Fifteen international scientists from nine nations, from India to the USA, followed the invitation of the Hightech Agenda Bavaria and joined the discussions at the AI science center Kloster Speinshart.

The conference's topic was the European legislative progress on AI: the EU AI Act. Kai Zenner from Brussels kicked off the event provided an overview of the genesis of the law and pointed out its current challenges. Following up on this, the topics of copyright, human rights, governance models of data, civil society participation in the development of AI systems, and much more have been discussed to develop possible recommendations for the regulation of AI.